Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just say no to the Marshall White Center

Today was just a disaster day for swimming. I met Jen for sushi early in the afternoon and we totally pigged out. I felt guilty and went to the Marshall White Center to swim some of it off, because I missed the Roy lap swim hours.

Almost immediately, I realized why I hate swimming there. It's a filthy, smelly facility, but I was able to look past that for an hour or so in the pool. However, when I was in the pool the chlorine content was so ridiculously high, that I had cotton mouth within 10 minutes. Last summer, their pool ate through a brand new jammer in just two swims. It's like acid in that pool and no matter how much I scrubbed, I can still feel it on my skin, burning, even now.

On top of that, there were a dozen or so kids swimming around in the pool during lap swim hours and the lifeguard didn't bother to tell them to stay out of the way of lap swimmers. After running into kids, twice stopping my progress, I looked at the lifeguard like, "Hey! What the hell is going on?" She simply grinned and moved on. After running into kids two or three more times, I finally gave up and got out of the water. It frustrates me, because it's already such a crappy facility, and if they want to stay in business they can at least provide decent enough service to its customers. Ogden City has dumped thousands of dollars into that place just to keep it afloat and they shouldn't be alienating people who want to bring them business.

Never going back and I highly discourage any desperate Ogden-area swimmers from going there. It just isn't worth it.

Total distance: A measly 1,600 yards

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