Thursday, October 13, 2011

No breakfast = Sucking wind

Jen and I hit the gym for the third time this week and I made the mistake of not eating anything before we left the house. I usually just eat half a Clif bar so I have some calories in me, but I don't do anything heavy or else I cramp like crazy. Today I ate nothing except some Vitamin Water and I paid for it.

Thank you, Gu Gel. You saved my life today.
First, I ran on the treadmill. I ran steadily for about 2.5 miles and was feeling pretty good and then I tried some alternating walks/sprints. Basically I walked a minute than would sprint for a minute. I lasted for 10 minutes before I ran out of gas and ended up finishing with 3.4 miles.

By that point my body felt like it had nothing left to give. Not having any calories in my system was causing a major crash, so I sucked down a gel pack, which thankfully, I had stored in my gym bag for such occasions. That gave me a needed boost so I could at least log a few yards in the pool. However, I didn't last too long, for those gels only pack about 100 calories each.

Here's today's swim
Warm up
200 free
200 free (sprint ladders, 10 second rest in between)
150 free
100 free
50 free
500 free (easy)
4 x 50 sprints (on the :45)
Cool down
100 free
100 breast

During my warm up it felt like I was swimming through honey. It didn't feel like I was getting anywhere, but eventually I started to loosen up and was able to gut out a ladder set and a few sprints. By the end I was out of gas though. Jen and I treated ourselves to some Warrens right after we left and I inhaled a french dip sandwich. Yumm.....

Total distance: 0.91 miles

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Your workouts are impressive. I know what you mean about breakfast. I make the same mistake all the time and I always suffer as a result. It also seems like my muscles have a harder time recovering on those days.
