Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One with the water

I went to the Roy Rec Center today for an easy swim, just to add a few yards to this week's total. I plan on a long open water swim tomorrow, so I didn't want to push it too hard.

It was hard not to, though, because for some reason I felt particularly good in the water. Most swimmers will tell you there is something about the water that makes athletes feel more involved in their particular sport. More so than running or cycling. Unlike those sports, your body is literally 100 percent involved and 100 percent stimulated by the water. You can feel it all around you, because it is covering your skin. And some days, like today, you just feel one with the water. It almost seems like you are moving through it effortlessly and your stroke feels (although I'm sure it isn't) perfect. Sorry to get all zen about it, but I felt very relaxed and was enjoying my laps a great deal.

That was until it started to get crowded. There were three or four people to a lane and it didn't help that a very attractive gal jumped into my lane. She wasn't a very good swimmer, but it was difficult to concentrate on my stroke every time we passed. I only lasted about 500 yards or so once she got in, and then I decided to call it. I had already done more yards than I wanted to anyway.

Total distance: 2,150 yards

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