Thursday, February 23, 2012

My wife rocks!

After today's workout, I got home and like I usually do, I went straight to the freezer for some ice so I could take care of my shoulder. Lately, after I finish icing my arm upstairs while I read, I take the shoulder pack off and leave it on the dresser. But every day, when I get home from the gym, there is my ice pack, sitting by the sink, emptied and ready to use again.

My ice pack, waiting for me by the sink, ready to use. Thanks, Jen!
Jen always does this, knowing full well I will be using it again the next day and it's the little stuff like this that makes me really appreciate her and how much she supports my goals, as annoying as they may be. I know it's lazy of me to leave it upstairs everyday, and I don't expect her to take care of it, but somehow, every day it still pleasantly surprises me to see it sitting there waiting for me by the sink.

Anyway, today I went to the gym with no specific workout in mind. I hopped on the bike and rode for about 20 minutes while I watched people swim laps. The pool looked so inviting, like it always does, and I couldn't help myself. Although I swam yesterday, and I promised not to push my shoulder back into action too fast, it felt great and didn't give me any problems after yesterday's swim.

Here's what I did.

Warm up
100 free
10 X 100 free brisk, with calisthenics (push ups, crunches) on the deck between sets
Cool down
100 breast

I didn't do a ton of yards and considered everything today as bonus. So far, I'm very happy with how the week is going in the exercise department. I plan on doing a long bike ride tomorrow, resting Saturday and then going for a monster run with Kelly on Sunday, assuming my knees hold up.

Total distance: 6 miles cycling, 1,200 yards swimming

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