Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New goals for rest of 2012

It appears as if I am going to come up well short of my 2012 exercise goals. I may have set the bar a bit too high and various injuries and random spells of laziness didn't help my cause, as well. However, I want to finish this year strong, so I set some short-term goals for my remaining 48 days. Here is where I stand so far and what I want to reach by New Years Day.

Swimming: 100.03 miles (need 115)
Running: 125.46 miles (need 183)
Cycling: 475.10 miles (need 730)

Given my knee and shoulder issues, I plan on doing extra bike time, so I set that goal a little higher than the others. I don't have any events in mind for the next few months, so I'm going to have to find some sort of extra motivation. Any suggestions?

Anyway, today I finally got a decent swim in, making sure to alternate breaststroke into my set every 150 yards. Gotta lay off too much freestyle. I also ran a quick mile on the treadmill, just to get my blood pumping before the swim.

P.S.: I finally passed 100 swim miles for the year. I'm ahead of last year's pace, but far behind my initial "Go The Distance" goal of 175 miles.

Total distance: 1 mile running, 1,950 yards swimming

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