Friday, November 16, 2012

New favorite workout snack

One of my new favorites
Normally, when I work out, I eat something small before I leave the house, like a granola bar or piece of toast. But sometimes I just use the energy gel packs you can buy in most sporting goods stores. They are easy on your stomach and don't require much breaking down, so they don't cause me to cramp up during exercise.

The past year or so, I've been using the Gu brand gel packs. I can only ever find them at Harmon's and Sports Authority and they have served me well. However, I found a new favorite brand last week, when I was getting my bike tuned up at The Bike Shoppe in Ogden. It's called Hammer and I know a few open water swimmers who like their powder products. They are the same price as the Gu gels and they have different flavors. I tried the banana and tropical recently and loved them. I think I'm going to have to start interchanging my Gu and Hammer products to mix it up a bit.

Anyway, today I just rode the stationary bike for about 20 minutes and followed it up with a 30-minute swim.

Total distance: 6 miles cycling, 1,500 yards swimming

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