Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bike ride at Ogden River Parkway

Today's workout was a blast. Wes and I took his mountain bikes to the parkway to enjoy more of the trail that we normally don't reach while running. Instead of taking the bikes there, we decided we were close enough to just ride them to the trailhead. It was only about two miles away and downhill the first time around.
You can see my route in better detail if you click on it.
It was a lot of fun to really push myself and still stay focused as to not hit any other bikers or runners on the trail. There are a bunch of windy areas that you have to slow down for if you don't want to wipe out hard. I lost Wes early, but we agreed to meet up at the four-mile mark of the trail. Surprisingly, it wasn't hard to reach it, but he wasn't there when I rolled in. I thought he must have pressed on, so I did too. After a while, though, I realized I would have seen him on his way back at some point, so once I hit the six-mile marker, I turned back. I finally saw him again with about one mile left until the trailhead. He said he looped around the pond at the four-mile marker (six miles overall), which explains why I didn't see him and kept going down the trail.

The two miles uphill on the way back was probably the hardest part. I was seriously feeling it in my lungs and thighs. But we made it no worse for wear. We immediately hopped in the car and drove to Quiznos to get some calories in our system. It was so effing good.

Total distance: 16.1 miles cycling

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