Monday, January 7, 2013

Do. Or do not. There is no try.

I woke up a bit early this morning for no reason in particular. I love it when you just wake up at a reasonable hour all on your own and don't get that immediate urge to go back to sleep. I took advantage of it and went straight to the gym.
A guy at work made this and it reminded me of my fitness goals, although I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions.
After nibbling on some dried fruit and nuts, just to get something in my system, I hopped on the treadmill to test out my knee. I set the program for speed intervals, jogging slow at 4.5 miles per hour for five minutes before sprinting at 7 miles per hour for one minute. Repeat as desired. I lasted a full 30 minutes with zero discomfort in my knee, which was very surprising. I did take extra time to stretch and warm up well, so maybe that helped.

I followed that up with some light ab and chest work. I hope to do more leg sets tomorrow, followed by a swim some time this week. As far as my diet goes, I've sinned in a few departments, but I've made a lot of conscious efforts to eat healthier in the first few days. I've stuck to my goal of one diet soda per day so far. I hope to do that for a few more weeks before bumping it down another notch. Also, although I'm not counting calories, I'm still keeping an eye on them, and have resisted several urges to snack on candy and other junk. Just like Yoda said, "Do. Or do not. There is no try." Although I admit, I did munch on a handful of Doritos late last night after work. That being said, I have a fridge full of veggies that I've been working through.

Total distance: 2.5 miles running

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