Sunday, August 12, 2012

Stairs, and why I blog

I went down to the Roy High track to get in a weekend run, because I didn't work out much during the week. While I was there, I was thinking about my blog. Every once in a while, a friend busts my balls about my blog and how I update "the world" every time I exercise. I guess I can see how that would come across to some as showing off, or looking for praise when I work out. However, the whole reason I started this thing was for motivation. The longer I've been writing it, the more guilty I feel when I don't work out like I should or when I don't do it often enough. It's kind of an accountability thing. When I don't work out, I feel like others know, because my blog isn't updated and it's somewhat embarrassing. "Swimming Upstream" has turned into the most valuable motivational tool I have.
Running stairs is what I call hardcore cardio.
So, I apologize if I annoy when I share the links to it. Just know that I'm not starved for attention or anything like that. It's purely a training tool and away to get my thoughts down in print (sort of).

Anyway, I did some stair sprints today and they were brutal. I was only able to do about five sets worth, with one set being a full snake up one flight, running to the next and down, then running to the next set of stairs and repeating until I reach the end of the field. After that, I did a 2-mile run after a few minutes rest. I stopped before my knee started hurting as a preventative measure.

Total distance: About 3 miles running

1 comment:

  1. I find my blog very motivating as well. I hope that someone see's it and thinks 'maybe I can do that'.
    We all missed you at Deer Creek. Good luck at Bear Lake.
