Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday swim with Kelly

Today, Kelly joined me for a swim at the Roy Rec Center, even though the madman ran 14 miles yesterday. We took his waterproof camera with us, so he could record some video and analyze his stroke a little bit. So I took the opportunity to snap a few photos, as well.
The pool looks so green from down here.
Rocking my European style suit. Don't judge it...
Here's what we did

Warm up
150 free
10 X 50 free (on the 1:00)
10 X 100 free (on the 2:00)
500 free
Cool down
150 breast

I forgot how nice it is to have a swim partner. It really gives you the extra motivation to really push yourself. We decided to do some sprint sets, although they weren't full-out sprints, more like a brisk pace. The bilateral breathing is coming more naturally to me every swim and I even threw in some flip turns today.

I'm icing the shoulder as I'm typing, but thus far, I'm not feeling much pain. Today was the farthest swim I've done this year, but I don't think I went too far, beyond what my shoulder can handle. I'm going to swim again tomorrow and see how I feel.

Total distance: 2,300 yards swimming

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