Oh hey. I guess I'm back. After a two and a half year absence, I'm going to take another stab at this blogging thing. I know it isn't ready by many (probably less than a half-dozen), but I miss writing, and I think I could benefit from a fitness "journal," if you will. So much has happened since running that half marathon in 2013, but I'd drone on all day trying to provide the details. So here's a short-ish recap of events.
Jen and I bought a new home in 2014, and we stayed in Roy. We did it because we wanted more room for a larger family, which came in the form of Russell, our second (and last) child who was born in March 2016.
Meet Russell, born March 1, 2016. Coop is pretty stoked about being a big brother. |
Our not-so-new home, now. It's been a bit of a nightmare. |
I'm still working at Weber State, and I still love it. I also spent the better part of 2014 and all of 2015 earning my master's degree from Weber State. I still swim regularly, and I still compete in open water races, although I've stuck to my guns in avoiding monster fitness events that require multiple hours of training per day.
You've graduated with a master's degree. Don't bother smiling. |
Here's the log of the races I've done since my last post.
2014: Great Salt Lake Open Water Swim: 1 mile (27:30)
2014: Wounded Warrior Project Run: 5 miles (52:14)
2015: Great Salt Lake Open Water Swim: 1 mile (27:38)
2015: Bear Lake Open Water Swim: 1 mile (31:34)
2015: Deer Creek Open Water Swim: 1 mile (29:02)
2015: Xterra Off-Road Triathlon Relay: 1/2 mile swim (14:41)
In addition to these formal races, I've competed in an employee wellness competition (12 weeks long) with my colleagues at Weber State, which have become my training parters for all things fitness. We won the team muscled gained category in 2014, won the weight loss category in 2015, and are still awaiting the results for the 2016 competition, which just ended a few weeks ago.
My disappointment face after seeing my time at the finish line of the 2015 Great Salt Lake Open Water marathon. |
Last year, before the GSL race, I was in the best physical shape of my life and was hopeful to finally win that damn thing. I didn't (and probably never will), but I still put up a solid time despite the new race course being closer to 1.1 miles. I've gained a few pounds back since then, but regular swimming, water polo and the occasional racquetball with my colleagues has kept me in better condition than I was at when I last posted to this blog.
Currently, I'm finishing up training for the Ogden Marathon relay, in which I am on a 5-man team and will run a 6-mile leg. I ran six miles on the treadmill this afternoon in 1:00;14, so I'm just looking forward to getting that race out of the way before swim season really amps up.
Till next time...
Total Distance: 6 miles running